Upcoming Projects
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Unmanned Vessels

MDL is committed to meet the demand of the hour and one such initiative adopted by MDL is updating marine vessels with Dual Navigation capabilities i.e. Manned & Unmanned navigation. In Unmanned navigation, vessel will navigate based on command obtained from the Ground control station. The vessel will be programmed to follow a fixed path & will be equipped with artificial intelligence capabilities to take smart decisions based on scenarios.

Electric vehicle is the buzzword in today’s automobile industry and MDL is joining this league by developing EV charging stations with modern technology.

EV Chargers

Offshore Projects

Major establishments in Indian offshore industry were earlier constructed by MDL. Company is again set to regain its leadership position in this field.

Interested for further

Contact Us

New Construction
Defence and Commercial Shipbuilding

Tel:+91-22-23763027 / 23763070 / 23763069

